AA2A Residency
- quick sketch it was so cold!
- first layer of paint
- stage one
- nearly complete except for a title
I’ve spent a lot of time reading and researching lately. Knowing I want to combine screen print, stitch, drawing and paint. I love torn edges, natural and soft contrasting with or placed against crisp manmade ones.
Taking my last print room experiments (block work) on canvas as a starting point and working into it with mixed media. (Paint and stitch) My theme is arches. They breach two opposing sides, are majestic, celestial, and strong and suggest longevity. Their ancient method of construction will be a strong metaphor about my work. Tradition verses technology.
I really appreciate using the library. Books have always been fascinating and inspirational. Plymouth College of Arts DVD collection has been very informative. I have delved for knowledge and gained ideas and possibilities. David Hockney, John Piper and Kurt Jackson speak volumes and this week I’ve gleaned new possibilities from a new source Lyonel Feininger. Although I admire the thoughts and principles behind Cubism I’ve never really liked the imagery.