Again I’m told to be brave…
- Florence graffiti
- Ideas
- Window displays are so inspirational
I navigated all the hurdles and worries and started to look forward to the event. As more information was released I knew it was going to be a real opportunity of a lifetime. Quite apart from coming back with a nasty cold, it really has taken me a while to come back down to earth. I met the most wonderful, passionate and dedicated people. Florence is so beautiful and each time I have been I feel I get to see beneath layers. I learnt so so much, gained such inspiration and attended incredibly powerful lectures and symposiums. I will always be nervous when I challenge myself to new things, because I care about the outcome but I will never doubt myself again. Compounding these thoughts by WG about courage was a lecture by the eminent Prof. Gregorio Luke, Cultural Attaché of Mexico in Los Angeles. The list goes on. He dared to speak on Michael Angelo in Florence and said from him, the master sculptor and artist we should learn three things. It is not enough to be good as artists we must be culturally aware, well read, and knowledgeable and above all be brave.
Again reinforcing my beliefs and personal goals.