Blogging… Taking a line for a walk
- How is creativity inspired?
- Stitched lines form part of the drawing
- Inspired by early mornings as my daughter trained for Ten Tors
So why do I find it so hard to write my blogs… when I love words? I have lovely images and stories to share. Facebook is easy, do pop across and see my FB page
I think its because at the moment I feel like I’m talking to myself. It’s important to reflect but it’s also a sign of madness! I have all of 2015 to share so I will start with a summary- a year of reflection, compromise and what I called CJ’ing- Creative Juicing.
“”My Cup Runneth Over” is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible[1] (Psalm 23:5) and means “I have more than enough for my needs”
I have phases usually when I’m stressed, a bit like writers block when I need to recoup. It takes time to fill up the creative brain. Sights, sounds, smells, touch and sound all inspire, I am a whole person and all of me must be filled. Then my cup does indeed run over and the ideas pour out. These must be filtered and sometimes I need help and guidance. I will read something, meet someone and they will share their wisdom and inspire me. Most importantly they will help to focus me. 2015 has been a year of CJ’ing.
So I helped a local bookshop with their displays, I ticked some bucket list to do’s and I travelled soaking up sunshine and filling my heart and soul. The blog entries to follow will try and show the most influential and inspiring parts.