Montage of samples and first ideas
I have been supported by Cotehele Gallery for several years, though currently do not have work there.
[gallery ids="1399,1400,1401"] I am not a tidy person. It's always messy when I'm actively creating. I lose things when I tidy as I can't remember where I put them. A tidy space describes a dormant and unmotivated mind.
I like to have plants and inspirational object around me constantly. Their textures, colours and shapes inspire.
This is my little up cycled caravan studio at home. Its cold and damp in the winter but I cross the lawn in my dressing gown switch on the oil filled radiator and wait for it to warm up. This usually means I sit in bed reading or exploring the internet with a cup of tea! In the summer it gets too hot somedays but its my space and my lovely man has helped me convert it.
A detail of one of my first experiments in the print room at Plymouth College of Art. learning to screen print is exciting, challenging and frustrating all at the same time.