Creativity takes Courage
Imagine my emotions when on 16thFebruary I received an email which said “ Dear Artist Tessa Jane, You have been invited by our International Selection Committee to participate in the XIth Florence Biennale, which will take place in Florence, at the Fortezza da Basso, from 6 to 15 October 2017.
So the work began and so did the roller coaster ride. I have never shipped work, don’t know about customs, had no idea about costs, insurance but was determined to learn and exhibit- mainly because I had not been able to go to Tokyo after winning the Oxford International Art Fair. One of the troughs was during May and Saturday 20thI was exhibiting at Delamore Arts and went over to draw en plein air and support. I was having a particularly nervous patch about the work I was creating for XIth Florence Biennale. I sat listening to Will Gompertz BBC Arts Editor who gave the best lecture on the arts and a glimpse into the world of the media that at that point I’ve ever heard (and I am really quiet experienced in this field.) From many amusing anecdotes, valid, adept and knowledgeable information I took one sentence to heart. Be brave and take risks. Thank you Will Gompertz.