Preserving and making precious
- Hanging Installation in progress
- Detail
- Detail
I have always hoarded and saved things, which might be useful. I love ancient buildings and magical places. Where ever I go I seek out texture, detail and hidden beauty. I absorb colour, texture, and ideas and at some point it will spark a new train of thought and a new body of work.
This is why it was so important to me to experience as much as I can. Last year it was #RSChelsea, #Decorex and to travel. I feel particularly privileged to have got to Barcelona and Scotland in 2014 and Ibiza and Malta in 2015. I always have a camera or my phone. Technology I couldn’t manage without though I like to sit and sketch as much as possible now too. Even if the drawing is weak structurally or accuracy wise I remember the moment better and when worked on later it creates a much richer experience.
- World book day
- Children’s window
- Book shop window children’s area