Waste not Want Not
Graffiti on a Florence wall. It was near the Pitti Palace. I looked for it this summer it had been removed. I was glad for the buildings and preservation of the city but it had stayed in my heart. As has the work of Yinka Shonibare https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/artist/yinka-shonibare-ra which I have had the privilege of seeing at The Salvatore Ferragamo Museum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_Ferragamo_Museum
I knew what I wanted to produce as I’ve had the idea for many years, not fully formed but based on the Emperors New Clothes story. I want it to tell my story-to show that we should not take things at face value. We should not assume from how someone looks. We must not take anything for granted least of all life. It is precious as is our world, the things around us become so much more important when threatened.
When illness threatens to end ones dreams and hopes before they’ve even fully formed it can work in different ways. Make each moment count, say what is important make a difference or give up. There are days when it is too big a fight to march out and confront the world and perhaps a cosy fire and a good book is more manageable. But on the on the other days… create. Visualise ones thoughts and tell everyone to think care and try to make the world a better place.
- Venetian Dolls
- A beautiful dress high up in a window. Lonely forlorn and vulnerable.
- The idea that strings restrict us…are we nearly puppets?
- A contemporary piece at the Tate.
Although the idea was firmly in place, I had no venue or platform from which to speak. Like the image in the Venice window, I had no voice. The colours, textures and knowledge gained in my three trips sat brewing. My partner and I call it ‘CJing’-Creative Juicing.
I photographed, drew and collected. I absorbed, inhaled and started experimenting. It must be ethical, sustainable, bespoke and textile. It must tell a story, like the exhibits at The Imperial War Museum, London and Vienna. It could even be a warning. It will be drawn, stitched and thought provoking. It must show who I am and all my artistic passions and techniques and it must be pragmatic. It has to fit in a suitcase so I can take it with me because I don’t know how to ship work and probably cant afford it!